Can poor nutrition cause hair thinning?

Nutritional deficiency can affect both hair structure and growth. Effects on hair growth include acute telogen effluvium (TE), a well-known effect of sudden weight loss or decreased protein intake, as well as the diffuse alopecia seen in niacin deficiency. Not getting enough calories and protein, such as on very low-calorie diets, can cause hair loss. You might think that nutrient deficiency can lead to hair loss after bariatric surgery, and this is true.

However, strangely enough, in some people, the causes may be the stress of surgery and the rapid weight loss that follows it. Research has shown that the rapid weight loss often experienced by people who follow very low-calorie and restrictive diets can also cause hair loss (29, 30, 31, 3). However, if the main cause of hair loss and thinning is malnutrition, it's best to follow a healthy hair diet). Studies have shown that deficiencies in nutrients such as iron, zinc and biotin due to eating disorders, starvation, or malnutrition are closely related to hair loss or thin, brittle hair.

As hair is made up of the protein keratin, a diet with sufficient levels of protein is also essential for keeping hair healthy and strong. Hair loss affects both men and women and is not limited to any age. Intensive diets, unhealthy foods and nutritionally poor diet can lead to hair loss. Hair loss and malnutrition are often an indicator of a serious, invisible mental or physical health problem.

One of the ideal ways to maintain healthy hair is to follow a nutritious diet. Can malnutrition cause hair loss? If you ask, is the answer a resounding yes? Deficiencies in vitamin B12, riboflavin, biotin, and folic acid can cause hair loss. Deficiencies in minerals such as iron, zinc and selenium cause hair loss. Inadequate protein intake is another reason behind thinning and hair loss.

Vitamin E deficiency can cause hair loss. Because vitamin C helps the body generate collagen, which plays a role in hair growth, a vitamin C deficiency can lead to hair loss. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids help hair growth and reduce inflammation, so inadequate intake of these can lead to hair loss. Eating large amounts of unhealthy foods or not enough nutritious foods could make hair loss worse.

To reverse hair loss and keep it beautiful, eating a healthy diet is essential, but before taking any nutritional supplement to increase your intake of certain nutrients, you should consult your doctor. Fortunately, the effects of malnutrition on your hair are reversible as long as you regain nutritional stability for 6 months or longer. However, while nourishing anti-inflammatory foods may promote hair growth, there is limited evidence to suggest that less nutritious inflammatory foods can cause hair loss. In order to strengthen new hair follicles and prevent further hair loss, a nutritionist can help you design a healthy hair diet plan that includes certain foods to stimulate hair regeneration.

Hair loss is a common condition that many people suffer from, and its causes range from genetics and heredity to environmental factors and nutritional deficiencies. In cases like this, hair loss is due to nutritional insufficiency; the body is detecting a problem. Nutritious foods, especially those high in micronutrients, such as vitamins B and C, may prevent hair loss and improve your health. Complex carbohydrates are a more nutritious alternative that includes whole grains, beans, and vegetables.

If the malnutrition was caused by an eating disorder, therapies and behavior modifications must also be implemented to ensure the patient's long-term health and well-being. If you experienced hair loss due to malnutrition, you can schedule an appointment with your doctor or dermatologist to discuss possible treatment options.