What is nutrition only one word answer?

The process by which living organisms obtain food is known as nutrition. Nutrition is the biochemical and physiological process by which an organism uses food to sustain its life. It provides organisms with nutrients, which can be metabolized to create energy and chemical structures. A lack of sufficient nutrients causes malnutrition.

Nutritional science is the study of nutrition, although it normally places emphasis on human nutrition. Nutrition is also the word for the study of the nutrients in food, the way the body uses them, and the relationship between diet and health. Heterotrophic nutrition is divided into saprophytic nutrition, parasitic nutrition and holozoic nutrition. When an organism can prepare its own foods, such as plants, they are known as autotrophs and that type of nutrition is known as autotrophic nutrition.

Nutrition is the process of ingesting the right types of nutrients over time to support growth and stay healthy. Primitive human nutrition consisted of searching for nutrients similar to those of other animals, but it differentiated at the beginning of the Holocaust with the Neolithic Revolution, in which humans developed agriculture to produce food. Plants need very significant amounts of water for nutrition and growth; therefore, water retention capacity is important. Chemists in the 18th and 19th centuries experimented with different elements and food sources to develop theories about nutrition.

Prokaryotes, including bacteria and archaea, vary greatly in how they obtain nutrients between nutritional groups. Mineral cycles include the carbon cycle, the sulfur cycle, the nitrogen cycle, the water cycle, the phosphorus cycle, the oxygen cycle, among others, which are continuously recycled together with other mineral nutrients in productive ecological nutrition. Nutrition is defined as the process of eating food to carry out different body functions necessary for the survival of organisms. The first vitamin to be chemically identified was thiamine in 1926, and the role of vitamins in nutrition was studied in the following decades.

Dutrochet, around the middle of the century, and Liebig's application of chemistry to agriculture and physiology put beyond doubt the role played by the atmosphere and soil in plant nutrition. Nutrition in Middle English from Old French nutrition from late Latin nūtrītiō nūtrītiōn- from Latin nūtrītus past participle of nūtrīre to suck (s), nāu- in Indo-European roots. The parasitic mode of nutrition occurs when an organism obtains its nutrition from other living organisms. Heterotrophic nutrition is a type of nutrition in which an organism depends on other organisms for food.

The short answer to your question is that “nutrients are specific”, while nutrition is much more general. In domestic animals, such as pets, livestock and working animals, as well as in other animals in captivity, humans manage nutrition through animal feed.