Gaining Weight in a Healthy Way: Nutrition Tips for Underweight People

Protein is the essential nutrient that helps build and repair muscles. Eating protein-rich foods such as chicken, fish, lean meat and lean pork can help you gain weight while still looking lean and fit. Pair your nut butter toast with a glass of whole milk to add protein, calcium and vitamin D. If you don't like cow's milk or decide not to consume it, opt for an alternative to nut-based milk that is fortified with calcium and vitamin D.

Throughout the day, choose 100% fruit and vegetable juices that do not contain any additives such as sugar. Read nutrition labels carefully to make sure you're consuming real ingredients that you can easily pronounce. Tortillas are usually made with two or three eggs, a little cheese and a variety of added ingredients, so they're already rich in energy. Add extra calories by using a little more cheese and an extra egg in your tortilla. But save room for some healthy vegetables like spinach, peppers and onions, or maybe some mushrooms and tomatoes.

Avocados are widely known as a superfood, as they're packed with healthy fats and fiber and are a great source of protein. Take your avocado toast to the next level with a fried or poached egg for a double dose of protein and extra calories. Sour cream adds some calcium along with the extra calories needed for healthy weight gain.You can also add calories with cheese, meat sauce, whole Greek yogurt, or butter from grass-fed animals. Colorful, green vegetables like broccoli are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

But they're also low in calories. Increase your energy intake by adding cheese or cheese sauce to your favorite green vegetables. If you don't like cheese sauce, consider roasting the vegetables in olive oil and then mixing them with some seeds for crunch, fiber, protein and fat. While higher-fat cuts of meat are higher in calories, they are also associated with a higher risk of heart disease when consumed in excess. If you choose to incorporate fatty cuts of red meat into your diet to gain weight, be sure to do so in moderation.

Lean cuts of steak, lean ground beef, or bison are great options that still contain plenty of nutrients for optimal body function. If you don't eat red meat, you can also get protein from chicken, pork, fish, and even from plant sources such as meat and legume substitutes. Eating red meat every day triples the chemical linked to heart disease. Diets with higher sugar levels can cause weight gain. On the other hand, foods with less sugar and components higher in protein may have some advantages for losing weight.

When it comes to preventing weight gain, it's important to place more emphasis on carbohydrate quality than quantity. Foods made with refined and ground grains contain fast-digesting starch such as white bread, white rice, and processed breakfast cereals. These foods can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar that can cause hunger peaks which can lead to overeating, which increases the risk of gaining weight. Diet soda also works the same way as fast-digesting carbohydrates. For example, a cup of raisins has about 400 calories compared to a full cup of fresh grapes which has about 60 calories.

Raisins are probably the most popular dried fruits but you can also try dried berries, apricots, apples, blueberries and even tropical fruits. Although oatmeal is known as a dietary food for weight loss it can also be added to the diet to gain weight especially when made with whole milk. Oats are a source of minerals such as manganese and zinc. They also contain B vitamins and iron. Be sure to choose the whole-grain oat variety over the refined one as it offers additional health benefits such as increased fiber. The soluble fiber in oats beta-glucan may also help lower cholesterol.

It's easy to make this healthy high-calorie food - just 50 g of oatmeal made with 300 ml of whole milk contain 377 calories and 14 g of fat. Mix swirling nut butters in the form of a swirl into the oatmeal spread them on toast or eat them by the spoonful. Important roles of taurine creatine carnosine anserine and 4-hydroxyproline in human nutrition and health should not be overlooked either. Sugary soft drinks can be tempting but while they're high in calories they have nothing to add nutritionally - The Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends including a variety of nutritious foods in your diet such as proteins fruits vegetables grains and dairy products for optimal nutrition. Even though processed foods are high in calories they don't have the health benefits or nutritional value compared to real whole foods when it comes to healthy weight gain you should try to include foods in your diet that are nutritious and calorie-dense. Being underweight can also lead to nutritional deficiencies a weakened immune system fragile bones and a feeling of tiredness - check the nutrition facts label to see how many calories you consume per serving and if you meet the requirements of your diet to gain weight. Clinical nutritionist Alex Glover suggests some meal ideas to support your diet and gain weight in a healthy way - breakfast: 100 g of oatmeal made with whole milk 1 tablespoon of protein powder sprinkled with peanut butter breakfast: nighttime oatmeal with chia seeds raspberries and almond butter. The good news is that there are ways to add nutritious foods that can help you gain weight - start with a healthy diet by following these tips for eating more nutritious nutrient-rich foods.