What is the 10 food rule?

It basically means that you eat whole, clean foods 90 percent of the time and splurge on the remaining 10 percent. Any general advice published on our blog, website, or app is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace or replace any medical or other advice. In addition, the One Medical entities make no representations or guarantees and expressly disclaim any type of liability in connection with any treatment, action or effect that a person may suffer as a result of the general information offered or provided on or through the blog, website or application. If you have specific questions or a situation arises where you need medical advice, you should consult a properly trained and qualified healthcare provider.

It roughly translates to “eat until you reach 80% satiety,” which is a crucial part of our nutrition and lifestyle counseling with the Nutritional Mastery program. The 90-10 rule helps separate nutritious foods, which are those that are nutritious and help create a balanced diet for children, from Fun Foods. Cooking is thought to damage nutrients found naturally in foods, making them nutritionally inferior to raw foods. It is the best nutritious and balanced food in both worlds for growth, development and health, and an indulgent food to satisfy desire and help children learn to include these foods in their diet.